8 months into this thing and I have lately really been feeling it. My schedule feels chopped up, my focus eroded, my willpower shrinking, my desire to escape the discomfort persistent.
One thing that has been helping is to try and frame more of my experience with an understanding that this will not go on forever. This will go on for another 6-9 months — we’re half-way through. Much like Vegas, we can invite what happens in COVID to stay in COVID. I do not have to let these 18 months define me as a person or an artist. I am hoping this gives me permission to, well, lower my expectations a bit and to frame them in the practical realities of my life right now. These include:
i am happier when I’m making art, but am really struggling against the pressure to make good art. How do I keep the art-making playful and positive right now?
my COVID schedule is much more chopped up than my normal schedule. How do I work within that instead of fighting it all the time?
my attention span and will are both weaker than normal
So… I’ve been thinking of what I AM enjoying — portraits, and preferring the painting of the people to be in oil; patterns and colors — enjoying the speed of the acrylics’ dry time; making small pieces which take less time to complete; life drawing I have been playing with while subbing at the schools.
My goal for the next few weeks is to try and have fun mashing these together in different ways — and try to keep it fun by keeping the stakes and expectations low, if I can. I want to be able to take risks and not worry about “messing up.” Here are two efforts:
Cole, acrylic & oil on panel, 6x6”
Elise, acrylic & oil on panel, 6x6”